Photographer, Bristol UK

Blog Posts

Blog posts by Craig Pitts Photography

Quarantine Self Portrait Challenge

Quarantine Self Portrait Challenge

Hey guys,

In a bid to keep myself entertained and creative during this bizarre period of time, I challenged my friend and fellow YouTuber ‘Daniel Bryn’ to a lockdown self portrait challenge!

The rules were pretty simple, we had a few days to come up with a concept, film and shoot a creative self portrait from wherever we were locked down.

Challenges like this are a really great way to push your comfort zone and help you grow as a creator and this challenge in particular was a lot of fun!

Here’s some of the shots we came up with but be sure to check out the video for the final result and let us know what you thought in the videos comment section.

Check out the video below and head over to YouTube to leave a comment! Be sure to check out Daniel’s channel too.

